Yes, But Who Are You Now? Building Better Community in the Special Events World

Engaging Inspiration CEO Kerry Lee Doehr
Our industry is relatively small.   Even though we are international, it is still a close-knit community;  triply so in our local cities and communities where the competition and partner-network for referrals and business can be especially intense because of its closeness.  As with all human dynamics and close-knit groups, relationships can become strained for many (often legitimate) reasons.  I invite us as a special events community to consider the following: 

Whatever was done to you or said about you, get to know the individuals responsible for it as they are now.  Over the years people evolve.  Babies happen (and anyone with children will tell you, you are never, ever the same again once you have them).  Marriages and divorces happen.  Terminal illnesses and battles with life-threatening diseases happen that you may never even know about.  Tragedy happens.  People lose those closest to them.  The lonely seeking desperate validation for their self-worth do some pretty shady and rude stuff.  Business ebbs and flows.  Struggling to make ends meet and desperation creeps in when you are trying to put food on the table to feed your family.  We are all human, each with our own story.  And these stories are what shape us over time for better, or for worse (but ideally for better).  Each story adds to our evolution, complexities and progress, all of which are always shifting- even daily.  

We are not the same people we were an hour ago.  Let alone 5 years ago.  Or a decade ago.  Life shifts, and so do we.  I ask you to consider this possibility and seek to know people you think you know as they are now

I am not suggesting that you be naive and allow dysfunctional people or patterns to continue to walk all over you when there has clearly been no progress over time.  I am suggesting, however, that we consider the possibility of change, ask the question, and then live our way into the answer. 

Engaging Inspiration provides marketing, training & leadership strategy to the special event and hospitality professional designed to inspire and engage. 

Photo Credit:  Mary Jane Photography
