The Power of Regram Apps for Business When Using Instagram
We are often asked by clients and professionals how to increase followers (and potential clients) on Instagram. The answer also dovetails into professional etiquette as well as courtesy.
The biggest faux pas we see from businesses is trying to repost another's photo and tagging that business or person actually in the photo itself. This is a big no-no (more on that later). But the biggest mistake is by how they are sharing another's photo, they are often missing out on the opportunity to increase their potential customers and followers by 300% or more when they do not use an app designed for re-posting in Instagram. Here's why:
When you use an app like "Repost" or "Regram", it :
1. Imposes a stamp of the original poster's name on the photo itself, connecting your brand to theirs visually (see sample photo above, lower left corner) . It is also an extra professional courtesy to place the originator's name where everyone can see it up front on that stamp, not having to scroll down to read the caption with the photo. It's like shining a spotlight on the original artist and honoring them openly with full credit.
2. Most importantly, Regram apps allow you to take all the tags and hashtags (make sure you know the difference between these two terms and practices - they are distinct and each have a powerful purpose) that the originator used in their post and apply it to your post about them, thus bringing all those who follow them and looking for their hashtags to your brand and account. This act by itself can increase your exposure and attention as much as 300% or more. Consider the above Repost sample from our own Instagram account (we use the "Repost" app for all our reposts/regrams). It stamped the originator's photo, transferred all their original tags and hashtags to our post, and we added our own hashtags that they did not have. The results for drawing attention to our brand and page were significantly higher than without the app.
Helpful hint: the worst violations of not understanding professional courtesy and etiquette are in not understanding that you do not tag a person/business in a photo unless they are physically in the photo. For example, many users who copy another photo to their account will tag the originator's name in the photo itself. It is generally agreed-upon that this is not only unnecessary but annoying to the business/person tagged, because it implies that the originator is actually in the physical photo. In fact, many photographers and companies have a formal, legal and written request that they not be tagged in the photo when regrammers /reposters use their work. They simply ask to just be tagged in the verbiage caption or comment of the photo.
Don't forget your manners: If someone regrams/reposts your work, comment and give them a "thanks for the share" shout-out in the comment section!
Still have questions or something here does not make sense? Message us off our Website.
Engaging Inspiration provides marketing, training and PR solutions for the thinking special event and hospitality partner.
The Power of the "Regram" or "Repost" App has the ability to increase your exposure by 300%.
The biggest faux pas we see from businesses is trying to repost another's photo and tagging that business or person actually in the photo itself. This is a big no-no (more on that later). But the biggest mistake is by how they are sharing another's photo, they are often missing out on the opportunity to increase their potential customers and followers by 300% or more when they do not use an app designed for re-posting in Instagram. Here's why:
When you use an app like "Repost" or "Regram", it :
1. Imposes a stamp of the original poster's name on the photo itself, connecting your brand to theirs visually (see sample photo above, lower left corner) . It is also an extra professional courtesy to place the originator's name where everyone can see it up front on that stamp, not having to scroll down to read the caption with the photo. It's like shining a spotlight on the original artist and honoring them openly with full credit.
2. Most importantly, Regram apps allow you to take all the tags and hashtags (make sure you know the difference between these two terms and practices - they are distinct and each have a powerful purpose) that the originator used in their post and apply it to your post about them, thus bringing all those who follow them and looking for their hashtags to your brand and account. This act by itself can increase your exposure and attention as much as 300% or more. Consider the above Repost sample from our own Instagram account (we use the "Repost" app for all our reposts/regrams). It stamped the originator's photo, transferred all their original tags and hashtags to our post, and we added our own hashtags that they did not have. The results for drawing attention to our brand and page were significantly higher than without the app.
Helpful hint: the worst violations of not understanding professional courtesy and etiquette are in not understanding that you do not tag a person/business in a photo unless they are physically in the photo. For example, many users who copy another photo to their account will tag the originator's name in the photo itself. It is generally agreed-upon that this is not only unnecessary but annoying to the business/person tagged, because it implies that the originator is actually in the physical photo. In fact, many photographers and companies have a formal, legal and written request that they not be tagged in the photo when regrammers /reposters use their work. They simply ask to just be tagged in the verbiage caption or comment of the photo.
Don't forget your manners: If someone regrams/reposts your work, comment and give them a "thanks for the share" shout-out in the comment section!
Still have questions or something here does not make sense? Message us off our Website.
Engaging Inspiration provides marketing, training and PR solutions for the thinking special event and hospitality partner.
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