Real Leadership vs. Just Pretending

Photo: RosieMade
What is real leadership?  While many certainly hold a corporate title and run multi billion dollar international companies, it doesn't necessarily mean that they are a leader.  It appears that through the years there has been an increase in confusion over real leadership, as society becomes more impressed with power, wealth, and a title.

Let's establish what leadership is not:

  • Being an over-achiever
  • Saying the right thing at the right time in the perfect way and staying on script
  • Being a "human calculator of advantage" whose sole goal is to attain power at all costs through strategic moves that damage relationships along the way
  • A great orator who can give great speeches  (even on email) and whose job is to pat everyone on the back to "encourage" them, and then disappear when the going gets tough.

Real leadership, by contrast, is:

Being able to improvise.  When the whole script and plan has fallen by the wayside, how a leader acts when they are down to raw basics when the going gets tough - their intelligence and dedication to commitment to their organization, integrity, the people, and its customers show true leadership colors.

To evolve "performance" into a higher purpose.  That is , so that everyone feels that they are doing that matters.  This often involves tying into the mission statement and inspire staff to understand that they are more than just employees working a "job".   

Real leaders create purpose They breathe life into everything they touch and inspire.


Engaging Inspiration provides sparkling marketing, business, social media and PR solutions to the special event and hospitality industry designed to engage and inspire.
