Kerry Lee |
In a recent blog entry, I wrote about the importance of letting your followers on your business social media know who you are personally from time to time, as it helps establish connection and trust. My professional background is all listed on my two company's Websites:
Engaging Inspiration as well as
Santa Barbara Wine Country Weddings & Events. I am an event industry planning veteran, consultant, blogger, author, trainer and professional speaker. But what I'd like to do in this post is offer a glimpse into who I am personally.
I am a mother, a traveler, lover, performing artist, daughter, philanthropist, entrepreneurer, amateur theologian, wanna-be astronomer, great lover of art in general, music fiend, in need of a twelve step program for my addiction to Downton Abbey and dark bittersweet chocolate, as well as a certified Jazzercise instructor (no, Jazzercise did not die in the 1980's and no, I do not wear legwarmers). My life is filled with the things I love most and everything and everyone who inspires me as well as boundaries and filters for the things and people who do not. It has taken years for me to carve out my concept of my most authentic and balanced life and I am pleased to say that I have finally found my stride and feel blissfully fulfilled and blessed. And because there is nothing more annoying than those Pollyanna people in our lives who imply that their life is "perfect", allow me to clarify what I just wrote in the sentence prior to this: my life is
not perfect. It is fulfilling and happy and I love it. Even with its imperfections.
Kerry Lee & Daughter Grace |
Being a working mother of a seven year old is challenging. But being a working mother where you own your own business (can you say "wearing the hats of about 10 staff people daily"?) and juggling the day-to-day demands of your work load, the multiple personalities in the special events industry, your child's schedule, family time as well as taking care of a home, chores and making healthy time for yourself is a job that demands constant flexibility and re-evaluation and shifting. Staying true to my core center keeps my "moral compass" sharp, my life uncluttered and therefore open to constant inspiration for all my personal and professional endeavors.
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