Welcome to Engaging Inspiration! How will brides find you?

I am so excited to post my first blog entry to my new Website: Engaging Inspiration.  The Engaging Inspiration blog is dedicated to the business of being a wedding and special event professional.  With the latest training and tips in social media, wedding marketing and advertising, our blog will be dedicated to inspiring fresh ideas for taking your business to the next level.  Whether you are just starting out or you have been in the wedding and special events business for years, there will be something for everyone on the Engaging Inspiration blog.

Our goal is to inspire you to inspire your potential clients and current clients and get them to "engage" with you, resulting in new revenue potential.  Even your current bookings have more revenue potential - it doesn't just stop with the signed contract and their deposit.  We will be discussing how to continually discover new revenue potential.

Check back frequently for tips on understanding the Millenial Bride, tapping into the luxury bride demographic as well as all the latest tips on maximizing your social media, marketing and advertising endeavors- and budget!  And with our background in training and certifying wedding professionals from all over the world, we will have some content on inspiring better sales and service for your in-house staff as well.

A warm welcome to all!
